angus tulloch

ISKGA Coastal Guide


Telephone: +44 7488 30 33 69

Base of operation: Cornwall /   Abel Tazman (NZ)

Having pasted my ISKGA coastal guide qualification I took to the waters of the world leading expeditions in Australia and New Zealand. I have since returned to Cornwall where I am be based leading sea kayaking trips. 

My passion for sea kayaking is very much intertwined with my love for exploration of both the external and internal environments, there is no place like mother nature that can offer genuine connection to yourself and to our roots. I also organise and run Mothership expeditions in New Zealand and Europe through my company Mindfully Wild Expeditions, here we offer the opportunity for real remote exploration in hidden locations on the globe with the frame work of mindful being, this is designed to harmonise your internal and external exploration.    

“Short testimonial – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce congue nibh vitae augue fringilla maximus. Etiam dapibus venenatis orci et convallis. Ut pellentesque, nibh eu gravida iaculis, neque elit mattis elit, et pulvinar ipsum ligula in mauris. Morbi nec risus a lorem finibus pretium et quis sem.

Angus Tulloch Warriner

Coastal Guide

ISKGA - Advanced Guide/National Trainer
Module Date Trainer/Assessor Tick
Advanced Guide Observation 2015-03-26 Sea Kayaking Cornwall
VHF License 2014-04-02
Coaching BC Lvl 2 Coach, EPP Lvl 4 (Red) Assessor
First Aid 2015-02-15 NARS Beach Lifeguard
Continued Professional Development
First Aid & CPD Log
Module Provided Modules
Advanced Skills
Advanced Planning
Advanced Leadership
Coastal Guide Observation
Coastal Skills
Coastal Observation
Coastal Planning
Coastal Leadership
Incident Management
Sea Survival