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The ISKGA Coaching module ….

Module: Coaching – Theory and Practice

Training duration: 2 days (One day of theory and practical exercises and one day of observed coaching and feedback)

Course Guidelines Notes
  • Learning preferences
TARP Theorist, Activist, Reflector, Pragmatist. Candidates should have a working knowledge of different learning preferences.
  • Sensory preferences
VAK Visual, Audible, Kinaesthetic.  Candidates should have an understanding of different ways people receive information and how to coach different strokes to suit a variety of preferences.
  • Demonstrations
Be able to demonstrate different strokes and be able to break them down into their key components.
Introduction Demonstration Explanation Activity Summary  Be able to use the IDEAS method to coach a skill.
Explanation Demonstration Imitation Correction Train.  Be able to use the EDICT method to coach a skill.
  • Discovery Learning
Be able to use guided discovery as a way to encourage long term learning.
  • Building Blocks
Be able to break down complex strokes into blocks and be able to construct the whole stroke from the individual blocks.
  • Body Boat Blade
Understand how strokes can be broken down into BBB and how they interact together to create different outcomes.
  • Practice
Understand how to construct practice exercises including the benefit of varied and block practice to improve performance.
  • Use of features and the environment
Be able to use a variety of features to develop skills including static objects, surf, wind and tide.
  • Needs and desires
Understand the differences between what a client needs rather than what they desire to learn and how to balance these two factors to create a positive outcome for the student.
  • Methods of coaching strokes
Have a variety of tools to coach the different strokes and an understanding of common errors and how to identify them.
  • Long term and short term coaching
Understand how to use different methods of coaching to either create long term or short term learning and when to use these different styles.