duncan greene

ISKGA Advanced Guide


E-mail: admin@greeneadventures.co.uk

Telephone: +44 7917 75 50 83

Base of operation: Cumbria

I have been kayaking for over 40 years.  I have paddled extensively in Great Britain,  enjoying all aspects of the sport from Surfing the North East Coast, river paddling throughout England and Wales. I have always Sea kayaked  It is my passion and I have Sea paddled throughout Great Britain from the Outer Hebrides to Cornwall and most bits in between. I have also paddled in Alaska, Norway and Croatia. I love leading groups watching them develop as individuals and as a group during multi day trips to unreachable places. 

I hold  Advanced Sea Kayaking  awards with both British Canoeing and ISKGA . I am a British canoeing River coach and an Advanced Sea Kayak coach. 

“Short testimonial – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce congue nibh vitae augue fringilla maximus. Etiam dapibus venenatis orci et convallis. Ut pellentesque, nibh eu gravida iaculis, neque elit mattis elit, et pulvinar ipsum ligula in mauris. Morbi nec risus a lorem finibus pretium et quis sem.

Duncan Greene

Advanced Guide

ISKGA - Advanced Guide
Module Date Trainer/Assessor Tick
Advanced Guide Observation 2015-03-26 Sea Kayaking Cornwall
VHF License 2014-04-02
Coaching BC Lvl 2 Coach, EPP Lvl 4 (Red) Assessor
First Aid 2015-02-15 NARS Beach Lifeguard
Continued Professional Development
First Aid & CPD Log
Module Provided Modules
Advanced Skills
Advanced Planning
Advanced Leadership
Coastal Guide Observation
Coastal Skills
Coastal Observation
Coastal Planning
Coastal Leadership
Incident Management
Sea Survival