incident management

Leadership under pressure


The ISKGA Incident Management module ….

Duration: 4 Days

Module: Incident management: The ISKGA Incident Management course is a four day course. This can be logged as a stand alone two day course with two bolt on modules or alternatively can be run over a four day period.

Day 1 & 2: Developing a logical thought process that works under pressure, rescues-getting the basics right, rescue strategies, controlling your group, leadership under pressure, emotional influences, adrenal effects.

Day 3: Safety & rescue: The surf zone

Day 4: Safety & Rescue: Rock Gardens

Module guidelines Notes
  • Mind set – Pro-active/passive – Casualty or Victim
Effective identification in the difference between a paddler whom is pro-active with regards to his safety or a paddler who is passive/in-active with regards to his own safety and to be able to assess quickly these actions during an incident in dynamic conditions.
  • Adrenalin – To fully understand the effects of ‘Adrenal fix’ and how to control these negative/positive influences on the group
Pre fight, in fight and post fight effects of adrenalin should be understood. Trainer should be able to highlight the areas where these influences occur and to highlight the signs, symptoms and actions required to recognise and deal with adrenal overload.
  • SAFER – Stop, Assess, Formulate, Execute, Review.  To be able to show a working knowledge of the SAFER process.
Candidates should show a logical thought process during an incident not rushing in and instead assessing the situation formulating a plan then executing that plan and reviewing the outcomes.
  • Lost person protocols – Methods of dealing with a lost person from your group.
Have an understanding of effective protocols for dealing with a lost person whilst on an expedition or during a day/night paddle.  Standard Operating Procedures for the lost person protocol. Meeting points, communication, search patterns, engagement of outside agencies
  • First Aid – Have a wider knowledge of how to apply first aid to an incident until responsibility of an incident is handed over to an outside agency
  • Outside agencies – Methods of raising outside assistance during an incident
Candidates should understanding that although prevention is better than cure, they must be able to recover control of his/her group, harnessing correct delegation and concurrent activity as well as having a working knowledge of being able to engage outside agencies for evacuation purposes.
  • Scenarios – Candidates should be able to deal with a wide variety of scenarios. During this four day course, day 1 & 2 will deal with developing the logical thought process, the understanding of emotional influences on the group during a crisis and getting the basics right. Day three and four are environmental modules, which are interchangeable, these are the ‘Rock Garden Safety & Rescue’ and the ‘Surf Zone Safety & Rescue’.
Candidates should be able to deal with a variety of incidents on the sea and understand the importance of training.  Incidents to include, lost equipment, damaged Kayaks,(lost hatches, holed kayaks), damaged Paddlers (dislocated shoulder, unconscious person, hyperthermia, spinal injury, heart attack). Panicked and trapped paddlers, hostile followership, lost and separated paddlers, multiple incidents.